Judy S. Scott, LCSW, is a Social Worker with her Private Practice

Get to know Social Worker Judy S. Scott, who serves the population of Ventura, California.

Judy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Union Analyst currently practicing with her private practice in Ventura, California. She holds over four decades of experience in her field, and has an expertise in adult counseling for individuals, couples, and has a background in experience with individuals suffering from substance abuse issues. Before turning towards private practice she practiced with Access Services, a non-profit social service agency, for 35 years.

Judy additionally is the Executive Director of The Peacemaker Center since its inception in 2000. The Peacemaker Center is a professional counseling services center with offices in Downingtown, Kennett Square, West Chester, Fort Washington, Audubon, Coatesville, and Schwenksville Pennsylvania. Their trained professionals provide excellence in care within the framework of God’s truth and guidance to support families, couples, children, and individuals of all ages across a variety of relationship and mental health issues. There she as an executive director, she supervises the clinical staff and Interns which helps to maintain the high standard of clinical excellence.

Judy completed her undergraduate degree with a Bachelor’s in Social work from the California State University in Fresno. She then immediately chose to continue her education and received a Master of Social Work from her alma mater. She holds additional certification in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Family Institute of Philadelphia. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and in 2011 received her Union Analyst Diploma from the Carl G Jung Study Center. The Carl G Jung Study Center is an educational facility that was founded to promote the study and understanding of the life and work of C. G. Jung and Analytical Psychology.

Analytical Psychology is the school of depth psychology is the theory of the structure and dynamics of the psyche in both its conscious and unconsciousness. It is a detailed theory of personality types and description of the universal, primordial images deriving from the deepest layers of the unconscious psyche. Describing striking parallels between the unconscious images produced by individuals in dreams and visions and the universal motifs found in the religions and mythologies of all ages.

Learn More about Judy S. Scott:

Through her findatopdoc profile, https://www.findatopdoc.com/doctor/82735015-Judy-Scott-Social-Worker-California Through The Peacemaker Center, https://www.thepeacemakercenter.org/, she can be contacted at (610-269-2661.

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Martin Owens

Martin Owens is an Associate Editor for FindaTopDoc . Martin is responsible for researching the leading doctors in their field and highlighting their contribution to medicine. Martin is an avid skier and, when not pursuing his career, is very active in his local Scouting programs.