Dr. James Conrad Gardner M.D., a General Practitioner practicing in Greenbrae, CA
Dr. James Gardner is a general practitioner practicing in Greenbrae, CA. Dr. Gardner does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Gardner provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Dr. Gardner’s career in medicine began in 1986, when he graduated with his Medical Degree from the Univ of Ca, Los Angeles, Ucla Sch of Med, Los Angeles Ca . After medical school, Dr. James Conrad Gardner M.D. completed residency at Ca Pacific M C-Ca Campus, Internal Medicine. Dr. Gardner is board certified in Internal Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. James Conrad Gardner M.D. currently provides care to patients at 599 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Greenbrae, CA 94904.
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