Dr. Jason Prigozen, a Surgeon practicing in Charleston, WV

Dr. Jason Prigozen

Dr. Jason Prigozen is a general surgeon practicing in Charleston, WV. Dr. Prigozen specializes in abdominal contents including the esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and often thyroid glands. General surgeons are able to deal with almost any surgical or critical care emergency, also involving the skin or soft tissue trauma. Dr. Prigozen provides quality surgical service for gravely ill or injured patients and is able to respond quickly due to knowledge of various surgical procedures.


Dr. Jason Prigozen currently provides care to patients at 210 Brooks St, Charleston, WV 25301.


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Lisa Newton

Lisa Newton is an Assistant Editor for FindaTopDoc.com and a content specialist for FindaTopDoc. She specializes in identifying new and up and coming doctors and other healthcare professionals and documenting their unique backgrounds.