Murat Gokden MD, a Pathologist practicing in Little Rock, AR
Dr. Murat Gokden is a pathologist practicing in Little Rock, AR. Dr. Gokden is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Gokden can help your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your medical condition. Dr. Gokden may perform a tissue biopsy to determine if a patient has cancer, practice genetic testing, and complete a number of laboratory examinations. Pathologists can also perform autopsies which can determine a persons cause of death and gain information about genetic progression of a disease.
Dr. Gokden’s career in medicine began in 1986, when he graduated with his Medical Degree from the Dokuz Eylul Univ- Tip Fak- Inciralti- Izmir- Turkey. After medical school, Murat Gokden MD completed residency at Univ Of Ar Coll Of Med, Cytopathology; U Tx-M D Anderson Cancer C, Selective Pathology; Washington U/B-Jh/Slch Conc, Neuropathology; Barnes-Jewish Hosp-S Campus, Anatomic And Clinical Pathology. Dr. Gokden is board certified in Pathology by the American Board of Pathology. Murat Gokden MD currently provides care to patients at 4301 W Markham #517, Little Rock, AR 72205.
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